





超星阅读器中涉嫌非法使用开源图形库DjVuLibre ( http://djvulibre.djvuzone.org/ )。DjVuLibre提供了高效的图像压缩格式DjVu格式的编码和解码功能。DjVuLibre的使用授权为GPL(GNU General Public License: http://www.thebigfly.com/gnu/gpl/ ),按照GPL的要求,凡是使用该软件的代码也需要开放原代码,而超星浏览器公然违反了这个授权,不但没有开放原代码,而且利用自由软件牟利。

验证超星中包含了DjVuLibre过程很简单,首先到超星主页下载最新的超星阅读器(http://www.ssreader.com/download/) 并安装。同时到
下载PE Explorer的试用版。安装并启动PE Explorer,在弹出的窗口中选择File(文件)\Open File(打开文件),然后浏览你的windows目录(C:\Windows)下的system32子目录下的pdg2.dll,程序会提示你是否继续,选择Continue(继续)。载入后,选择Tools(工具)菜单下的Disassembler(反汇编),然后选择Start Now(开始),PE Explorer会将程序转换为汇编代码,按Ctrl+F,查找djvu,你就会发现程序的汇编代码中有很多包含djvudocument类的字符串,而你google一下这些含有djvu的串,你就会发现他们无一例外的来自开源软件Djvulibre。包含Djvu关键字的串参见附件。


有趣的是,在超星的软件下载主页上,我们又一次看到了熟悉的“自主知识产权”字样,我们曾经在一度沸沸扬扬,最后被证实为造假的“汉芯"的宣传材料中看到过,我们也曾经在花费了8000万纳税人的税收,但后来被发现大规模抄袭FreeBSD的“麒麟操作系统”的宣传材料中看到过这个名词。而非常不幸的是这次这个名词出现的地方又一次让我们失望了。从一开始使用产生80年代产生的TIFF G4压缩格式,到后来简单更改GIF/JPEG格式后缀,到现在剽窃开源软件,使得我们一次又一次地认识到超星不但是一个没有任何技术创新能力的公司,而且商业诚信也让人怀疑。



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push SSZ100F0BB8_DjVuDocument__get_djvu_file____I
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push SSZ100F0BEC_DjVuDocument__get_djvu_file____U
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push SSZ100F18D0_DjVuFile__wait_for_finish_____se
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push SSZ100F1F20_DjVuFile__trigger_cb____got_data
push SSZ100F1EF0_DjVuFile__trigger_cb____We_have_
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push SSZ100D8794____Unrecognized_DjVu_Message____
db '** Unrecognized DjVu Message:',0Ah,09h,'** Message name: %1!s!',0
db 'DjVuPort',0
db 'document.djvu',0
db 'DjVuDocument::start_init(): initializing class...',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile',0
db 'DjVuDocument.stopped',0
db 'DjVuDocument.init_eof',0
db 'Got DJVU OLD_INDEXED or SINGLE_PAGE document here.',0Ah,0
db 'FORM:DJVU',0
db 'DjVuDocument::init_thread(): guessing what we',27h,'re dealing with',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::set_file_aliases(): setting global aliases for file ',27h,0
db 'DjVuDocument.miss_page_num',09h,0
db 'DjVuDocument.miss_page_name',09h,0
db 'DjVuDocument::check_unnamed_files(): Seeing if we can fix some...',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::page_to_url(): page_num=',0
db 'DjVuDocument::url_to_page(): url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuDocument::id_to_url(): translating ID=',27h,0
db 'found internal file using DjVuPortcaster',0Ah,0
db 'found fully decoded file using DjVuPortcaster',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::url_to_file(): url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuSimplePort',0
db '.djvu',0
db 'DjVuDocument::get_djvu_file(): request for page ',0
db 'djvufileurl://%p/%s',0
db 'DjVuDocument::get_djvu_file(): ID=',27h,0
db 'DjVuDocument',0
db 'DjVuDocument::get_djvu_file(): URL=',27h,0
db 'DjVuDocument::get_page(): request for page ',0
db 'DjVuDocument.cant_extract',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::get_thumbnail(): page_num=',0
db 'DjVuDocument::add_to_cache(): url=',27h,0
db 'Found tmp unnamed DjVuFile. Return empty DataPool',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::request_data(): seeing if we can do it',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::get_djvm_doc(): creating the DjVmDoc',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::write(): storing DjVmDoc into ByteStream',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuDocument::expand(): codebase=',27h,0
db 'DjVuDocument::save_as(): where=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::DjVuFile(): url is ',0
db 'DjVuFile::init(): url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::~DjVuFile(): destroying...',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile::wait_for_chunk() called',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile::wait_for_finish(): self=',0
db 'DjVuFile.failed',09h,0
db 'DjVuFile.stopped',09h,0
db 'DjVuFile::decode_func() called, url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::process_incl_chunk(): processing INCL chunk...',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile.EOF',09h,0
db 'DjVuFile::process_incl_chunks(void)',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile.text',0
db 'DjVuFile.anno2',0
db 'DjVuFile.anno1',0
db 'DjVuFile.nav_dir',0
db 'DjVuFile.IW44_data2',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.IW44_data1',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.JB2_fg',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.JPEG2K_fg',0
db 'DjVuFile.JPEG2K_bg',0
db 'DjVuFile.JPEG_fg1',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.JPEG_bg1',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.color_import2',0
db 'DjVuFile.color_import1',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.IW44_fg',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.IW44_bg2',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.IW44_bg1',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.G4_mask',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.fg_mask',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.shape_dict',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.indir_chunk2',0
db 'DjVuFile.indir_chunk1',09h,0
db 'DjVuFile.page_info',0
db 'DjVuFile::decode_chunk() : decoding ',0
db 'DjVuFile.unrecog_chunk',0
db 'DjVuFile::decode_chunk()',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile.ratio',09h,'%0.1f',09h,'%0.1f',0
db 'DjVuFile.djvu_header',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'DjVuFile.IW44_header',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',09h,'%d',0
db 'image/x.djvu',0
db 'DjVuFile::decode(), url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::start_decode(), url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::stop_decode(), url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::stop(): Stopping everything',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile::decode_ndir(): decoding for NDIR in ',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::trigger_cb(): We have ALL data for ',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::trigger_cb(): got data for ',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::progress_cb() called',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile::move(): dir_url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::set_name(): name=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::contains_chunk(): url=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFile::get_djvu_bytestream(): creating DjVu raw file',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile::unlink_file()',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFile::insert_file(): id=',27h,0
db 'DjVuFileCache::add_file(): trying to add a new item',0Ah,0
db 'DjVuFileCache::clear_to_size(): dropping cache size to ',0
dd SSZ100F3E88_DjVuMessage_failed_to_parse_XML
dd SSZ100F3E6C_DjVuMessage_Unrecognized
dd SSZ100F3E54_DjVuMessage_Parameter
db 'DjVuMessage.Parameter',0
db 'DjVuMessage.Unrecognized',0
db 'DjVuMessage.failed_to_parse_XML',0
dd SSZ100F3E88_DjVuMessage_failed_to_parse_XML

Posted by bxmaster at 2006年07月05日 09:50



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on by simply causing your hardship key. Most DSC-equipped wrecks along with Ocean going Relief Co-ordination Revolves (MRCCs) in your neighborhood will certainly routinely get specifics of your current charter yacht along with situation and you'll incorporate specifics of your complaint. Make certain that your current DSC can be associated with a new NAVIGATION (Global Setting System), in any other case you may supply the inappropriate situation if you do not create standard guide book setting changes. Your warn are going to be recurring every single a number of units until eventually it can be known. Most MRCCs in england and quite a few American coastguards include VHF DSC and they'll answer speedily while named. You must and then abide by it way up which has a speech Mayday communication in station 07. In case you recognize some help from yet another fishing boat you must tell your coastguard and forestall your DSC warn. Mayday Cell phone calls The saying "Mayday" derives through the This particular language "venez m'aider" this means "help me" as well as "come for you to our aid". A new Mayday is often a predicament when a charter yacht as well as man or woman is burial plot as well as certain hazard along with requires fast guidance. These include settling, growing market, flames, piracy, man-overboard along with critical lifestyle frightening compensation for injuries. Mayday cell phone calls are generally similar to a new Morse SOS rule or possibly a phone call for you to urgent situation solutions which enable it to be generated in just about any consistency, nevertheless it can be standard for you to transmitted in VHF r / c station 07 while this can be a getting in touch with, being attentive along with identified urgent situation station. Your Coastguard check Station 07 plus the VHF indication performs about within just 40 mls in the nearby banks determined by r / c distribution. Every time a Mayday hardship call up have been built onChannel 07, the idea imposes standard r / c stop for the station, ap

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Posted by: hjbSlqpfchry at 2013年09月16日 13:16
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